Saturday, September 15, 2018

Optimize Hydration Levels

Drinking water plays a key role in losing weight.

If you ever find yourself stuck in a weight loss plateau despite following a strict exercise and diet regiment, then it could be that you're not drinking enough water.

Studies have shown that many people suffer from mild or severe dehydration, and you could be affected as well..

Your body requires water for various biochemical processes. The following are the benefits of drinking water:

*Water assists  the body in the conversion of fat reserves into energy. When the body is dehydrated, the body's metabolism processes are slowed down and this impedes the breakdown of fats in the body, and your weight loss curve hits a plateau.

* Water naturally holds back your appetite. The hypothalamus region in your brain serves the role of controlling cravings and appetites. The control centers for thirst and appetite are situated right next to each other. This means that drinking enough not only quenches your thirst, but takes away the feelings of hunger as well.

A study by Washington University found that drinking a glass of water before bed reduces mid-night cravings.

*Water also helps in the prevention of sagging skin, which is a common side effect of weight loss. It gives the skin a healthier and youthful look by helping in the reconstruction of destroyed skin cells.

* Water is effective in dealing with constipation. If the body does not get enough water, it is compelled to siphon it from it's internal reserves, normally the colon, resulting in constipation. Normal bowel function will resume when the body gets adequate water.

*In general, mild dehydration leads to a number of health complications. Mild dehydration is characterized by the following symptoms: fatigue, cravings, headaches, and constipation.

However, as soon as you get the water in balance, you achieve what is known as the breakthrough point. At this point, as fluid retention in the body eases, the liver and endocrine systems start to operate more effectively, helping to reinstate your natural thirst and curb cravings.

This naturally results in heightened metabolism rates, which facilitate the breakdown and loss of fat in the body.

In conclusion, the above benefits clearly show the importance of drinking water. You should really make drinking water a habit. It should not only be done when you are thirsty. Thirst, itself, indicates dehydration. As a rule of thumb, 8-10 glasses a day is a good rule. If you are exercising, I would recommend a glass every 15-20 minutes.

Must Eat a Good Breakfast

When losing weight, most individuals would skip eating breakfast thinking that it is an effective method of eliminating weight. But, when losing weight, there are several reasons why it is so important to eat a healthy breakfast

Breakfast is referred to as "breakfast", because it breaks the long fast. You are asleep for several hours, so in the morning it is necessary to eat something in order to have the energy to face the day.

These are a few of the reasons why eating a good breakfast can actually help you in your weight loss goals:

*Breakfast will allow you to control your hunger, and to avoid unnecessary snacking throughout the day

*A healthy breakfast will aid in increasing your body's metabolism--Eating breakfast can actually boost your metabolism. If you skip breakfast, you would tend to put your body into starvation mode and try to conserve what energy it can. Now, when you eat breakfast, you are also telling your body that you  are awake and you are not fasting anymore. This means that your body is ready to burn fat and utilize the energy during the day.

* A healthy breakfast would also help you consume enough calories. Having enough calories is essential because this responsible for increasing your energy levels. When you regularly skip breakfast, you are also not consuming calories that would result in diminishing energy levels. This, in turn, would slow down your metabolism, a hindrance to losing weight.

*According to research and studies, those individuals who miss breakfast are the ones' who were 4 times more likely to be overweight.

Eating breakfast is a key to losing weight. Have a good, healthy breakfast everyday and follow the right diet.

A bowl of slow-cooked Irish oats with banana's and strawberries is a great choice. This is my "go to" breakfast. It's high in fiber which helps regulate your blood sugar all day to help curb those mid-day cravings.

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